I took a weekend off to make sure that I would be able to attend a family get-together last Sunday. But this past weekend I was 'on the road again'.
I didn't have to go very far though, just to Andover, near the Hebron line, about 10 miles.
Jeff and Karen have very a attractive house with a fairly new addition on a back lot. Jeff is doing the stone facade that you can see between the garage doors himself. The upper area will be next year's project.
Jeff had about 14 logs that were a couple of years old. He had an idea that something could be done with them, but didn't know what until he happened to see me at the Coventry Farmer's Market back in early September.
The logs were ash, oak, and one birch. The ash logs had developed some pretty big splits, which came close to dividing the logs into halves or quarters. But, the logs were big enough that they still produces a lot of usable lumber. The oak and birch survived the wait in better shape, and also gave us some nice boards.
It was a beautiful fall day to work outside. Several friends and neighbors stopped by to watch or help. We finished up well before we ran out of sunlight, and I left Jeff and Karen with a larger pile of lumber than they expected, which they still weren't sure what they were going to do with.